Monday, October 17, 2005

Wow This really works!

I had no idea that all I had to do is get a blog and so many people would comply (5) Well its a start.

Anyway not much and everything is going on here in Florida. I (Justin) am currently teaching band part-time at the school that Erin works at, and I don't really like doing it. It is just a bunch of 7th and 8th grade brats that never learned how to play their instruments in the first place, so guess who gets to teach them, you guessed it, poor little ole me.

I also just found out on Friday that I am going to be the part-time youth pastor at New Hope CRC here in Ft. Lauderdale. So that also should be an interesting job, but at least enjoyable. I start tomorrow, and am kind of excited.

There is also something else in the works with me and jobs. I am applying at the Broward County Sheriff's office, and the Ft. Lauderdale police department. I have always been interested in police work since you have all known me, but maybe never really voiced it all that much. But my chances of getting a job, at least in the sheriff's office are pretty good. One of Erin's student's father works as a deputy and has referred me to the office. He also knows a recruiter that has been helping me a ton through the process. I got very lucky, especially since this recruiter helps in the hiring process. This should come as a shock to you all, since all the police stuff has come about, I have voluntarily started running and working out, and am working on the eating healthy part. It feels good. Anyway I'll explain more about that job later. Right now I need your prayers for it because there is very stiff competition.

Erin has been doing well, it is a typical first year of teaching for her, and she is very busy. She has a lively bunch of kids which can be a handfull sometimes, but mostly are adoreable. I'll let her tell you about that.

Hope to keep interacting



At 6:45 AM, Blogger Gabriel Florit said...

i'm working at a peer-to-peer company, and maybe we will become really big! in the meantime it's a lot of fun. it's in saratoga springs, 190 miles north of NYC.

i've posted a couple things about my life here so far, on my blog. you should add more! and congrats on your healthy lifestyle man.

At 2:49 PM, Blogger Sam and Darcie Gutierrez said...

what's up dude!!!

At 7:27 PM, Blogger jo said...

hey justin and erin!
i was thinking about you guys the other day...wondering where you were at. glad to hear all is well. keep persevering erin! first year is tough. hope the cop job all works out justin!
yay for blogs. mine is

At 1:26 PM, Blogger jack. said...

as do i reuben. as do i.

justin. i'm surprised. i didn't see this cop thing coming. i remember you talking about riding along with your brother in law, did that influence the decision?

At 8:17 PM, Blogger JustinVK said...

Sorry rueben you know me and computers.

And Jack, yes that was a big factor

Hi sam

All you guys rock for posting comments, this kind of stuff has never worked for me before, everything else ive tried ends up ignoring me


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