Friday, November 18, 2005

Dordt College

Contacted me about my blog posting about the picture in the brochure, and they went into this whole thing about how I should keep my nose out of their business and that I have no right to jeopordize their reputation. They said that they don't want to hear of or see any other postings from my blog on the related subject. So here I am writing about it because I think it is bologna, and that is exactly what this whole post is, bologna. I was bored.


At 8:14 PM, Blogger jack. said...

are you serious? That's ridiculous. Do they have people reading alumni's blog's all day long?

i'm really scared of dordt now.

At 8:17 PM, Blogger jack. said...

so i can't read.

At 5:50 AM, Blogger jo said...

lol...i had to read that 5 times...i'm glad jack had to read it more than once too...he he he

rock on

At 2:33 PM, Blogger r.c.f. said...

haha. i only had to read it once, which means i'm obviously so much better than everyone else...........................

it would of been way cooler though if it was true.

At 8:30 AM, Blogger JustinVK said...

Who deleted their comments? what a rip off

At 8:59 PM, Blogger AC said...

Okay, so it is pretty stupid that Dordt would do something such as this. It is stupid that they can't come up with designs for themselves. This is especially true because we do have students at Dordt known as "graphic artists" who could have designed something. Dordt hasn't gotten after me for anything yet, but I imagine if they do start reading random posts by people they will come up with something. But, isn't that an invasion of privacy? I admit that blogs are public, but no one can tell you what you can and cannot talk about on a blog. Freedom of Speech does hold true online.

At 3:02 PM, Blogger Gabriel Florit said...

justin if that's true, well dordt sucks a little bit more. if not, it was funny.

but i don't think it's true.


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