Friday, August 11, 2006

Surfer Dude

So yes, today is the first day that I attempted surfing in California, and I love it. It is something that is right up my alley. The hardest part is paddling and then the rest the water takes care of. It does take a little getting used to, I randomly would fall off of my board quite a bit, but thats ok it was my first time. I didn't even catch a wave, the closest I got was when I got up to one knee, and the wave took me a little ways, then it passed me by, because I suck. But it was still really fun and relaxing.
Who wudda thought. . . me, a surfer

Friday, August 04, 2006

Not Good with words

Stripping layers off is hard isn't it. Its like we all have this overbearing wieght of dead skin clinging to our bodies and we get comfortable with it, even though its heavy. And sometimes we get forced to strip a layer off. And natruly it hurts a little bit. . . but after a while it feels good to get rid of that weight, but we are still comfortable with all the extra weight that we have, and it becomes hard, again, to strip off those extra layers. I guess this is an obvious story to all of you and everybody has a good idea of what this story says, but that doesn't make it any less true. I've been reading a plethora of blogs and I am realizing that people are stripping off their layers, some are doing it voluntarily, some are being forced to do it. Whatever the case may be, I have been encouraged. I feel like I am stripping off layers everyday, its hard to go from place to place and settle in and have everything be good. Within a year Erin and I have moved from Sioux Center to Florida to Southern California (Not many people can say they have done that). And to be blountly honest, it kinda sucks, but it is awesome all at the same time, because a long time ago we told God to run with our lives. We definately have experienced the blessings of that as well, Im not trying to complain, God has blessed us beyond our imaginations. But it still kinda hurts to take off those layers of dead and decaying skin. I guess in all of this what I am trying to say is that I am thankful to God for being so close.

Or whatever

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Cloudy Day

Sorry, Im failing in the post area of my life. Ha Ha (get it?)

Anyway I discovered this new Christian musician that actually is really good. Im not the one who is a superfan of Christian music by any means. The only time Im actually exposed to it is when I get in the car and my wife had driven the time before and therefore changed the station, but I quickly change it myself. But anyway, I was in a bookstore looking for ideas on fun stuff that 7th and 8th graders would like (found nothing). So I walked up to the CD station reluctantly to listen to the latest patheticness in Christian music history, and Jason Morant's music was playing. And I was actually very impressed. His music was very well written, and his words where eloquent. So I ended up buying the CD (it gave me a flashback of when my mom took me to "True Vine" to get me a Michael W. Smith Cassette after I got a tooth pulled). The Suprising thing is that I love the whole thing. Im I just becoming a softy on Christian music? So I will let you judge for yourself. Go to and partake in this goodness. The four that are listed on myspace aren't all the good ones. Here's the order I would listen to them in: 1. I will Run 2. Abba 3. Open 4. Holy, but you do as you please. Anyway I think its good music regardless what anyone else thinks.