Friday, December 16, 2005

Bitten to perfection

For all you teachers out there, for it being her first year my wife is way ahead of where she should be in the teaching world. On her first day of school this year she finished the day out puking in the kindergarden bathroom (she teaches kindergarden) she has had to deal with upset parents because their child was kissing a boy under a blanket at naptime. She has had to deal with a list of other things that aren't appropriate to mention. But the lasted came yesterday. It was close the end of the day, and all the kids were sitting on the carpet criscross (indian style) and one of her students refused to sitdown, so she said "we are going to wait until everyone is where they are supposed to be, we will wait as long as it takes." This kid then proceeded to walk around draw pictures on other people's paper and then rip them up and throw the pieces on the floor. All the other kids told him to sit down and he got mad, and said "fine Im just gonna leave." Erin (my wife) said "if you leave you can walk straight to Mr. Patten's classroom (the feared classroom). My wife walked after him and had to try and get him off the floor and into Mr. Patten's classroom. The Kid then proceeded to chomp and latch on to my wife's arm. He bit her through a long sleeve shirt and broke the skin. She was bleeding! I don't know about anyone else but I know I would've lost it. Travis (Mr. Patten) said the same thing as me. So I guess that means that my wife can really keep her composure, she started to cry a little, but otherwise she treated the situation amazingly.

So hats off to all you teachers out there that have to put up with so much crap, still keeping you sanity and composure over everything. Thanks for showing up day after day.


At 10:42 AM, Blogger Gabriel Florit said...

That's insane. Is this a Christian school? Maybe that doesn't make the kids respect the teachers any more. I guess it must be really nice for Erin to have Travis next door.

That's just too much. I'd give that kid such a huge spanking.

At 10:50 PM, Blogger r.c.f. said...

haha....yes, yes...medication is the answer!
the ritalin generation.

At 6:29 AM, Blogger Liz said...

wow. i'm thankful none of my middle schoolers have bitten me. it's a tough job. way to stay calm, Erin. we need to get together sometime. next time you're in ft. myers visiting bethany and donald, don't forget about me!

At 6:34 PM, Blogger Jewels said...

i can't believe that! well, actually i can. good job, erin. i don't think i could teach kindergarten. i came across your blog via laura groen's blog.


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