Monday, July 24, 2006

Really Annoying

People say all the time that not posting very often on your blog site is really annoying because you never know when to check their blog. I am a person who is severely guilty of this, but this is something that I am willing to work on. I will definately need support and motivation but I am going to work on it. Now with that said I get to pick a bone, myself. Something that I find really annoying is when you leave a comment on somebody's blog site asking them to respond to you, and then nothing ever happens. That is really frustrating. For some people I understand why they don't respond very often, its because they don't post that often. But others have no exuse because they post virtually every day sometimes twice a day. So to those of you who are guilty of this horrible act, you have been charged.

Its hot in LA


At 7:42 AM, Blogger jack. said...

if that is directed at me, i responded on your blog. email me, jack.maatman (at)

ifin you want to hang out or something.

At 7:46 AM, Blogger Gabriel Florit said...

Thanks for the post Justin. I check all the blogs linked on mine every day, when I get to work. That, and also reading news for a bit, gets me in the work mood.



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